John Deere 6195R

Dealer number 300364070
Pris Pris på ansøgning
Make John Deere
Model 6195R
Byggeår 2016
Timer 11570
Yderligere information
Type: Brugt maskine
Make: John Deere
Model: 6195 R
Byggeår: 2016
Timer: 11570
Effekt: 158 KW (215 HK)
Hastighed km/t: 50


6195 R
(0010) Used John Deere 6195 R
(0020) Ultimate-Edition
(0030) Starfire 6000 SF1
(0040) CommandArm with elct. Joystick
(0050) Rear tire pressure control system
(0060) AutoPowr 50 kmh
(0070) Electr. mirror
(0080) Hydraulic pump 155 l/min
(0090) Commandcenter 4600
(0100) elect. multifunction lever
(0110) Premium lighting package
(0120) 4 rear control units
(0130) 3 inter-axle control units
(0140) for front loader and front hydraulics
(0150) Front loader:
(0160) Quicke Q76
(0170) 3rd circuit,
(0180) Hydr. locking system
(0190) Tires:
(0200) 650/85 R38 BKT
(0210) 600/70 R28 BKT
(0220) Maintenance tires:
(0230) Track width 2.25m
(0240) 520/85 R46
(0250) 480/70 R34
Automatic translation from German without guarantee.
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AGRAVIS Technik Raiffeisen GmbH
Levester Straße 14
30890 Barsinghausen-Göxe

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