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Brugte Krone Easycut 280 Cv Slåmaskiner

Krone × Model: Easycut 280 Cv ×
Krone Easycut 280 Cv
Byggeår 2000, 3 m,
Antal: 7775665
Baehrel Agri, FR - 67250 Soultz-Sous-Fôrets

2.340 €

Inkl. moms 20 %

1.950 € Netto

Krone Easycut 280 Cv
Byggeår 2004,
Antal: ATC3109035
AGRAVIS Technik Center GmbH, DE - 49326 Melle-Wellingholzhausen
This ad will be part of a soon coming auction.

1.178 €

Inkl. moms 19 %

990 € Netto


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